Being the one who gives when it's hard


Being the one who gives when it’s hard...

The realest and hardest thing about getting older is facing loss in a new way. Some of you are facing an even harder task: being the executor of someone’s will.

I know it’s a difficult thing to talk about, but when we work together, death and loss become a little bit more bearable. 💖

When someone is tasked with being an executor, they can sometimes take on an impossible job. By this, I mean family is not always grateful or peaceful with how they deal with their own grief.

And when money and property is involved, it can sadly bring about some personality traits you didn’t see before.

Of course, there are ways forward. 🙏

Being part of a community that can be there for you when loss gets confusing is one of the most valuable gifts you can offer yourself. While I can’t help you with the financial side of retirement (although I have some friends I can introduce you to…), I can help you with the emotional and psychological side of it all, which is definitely the most important.

My online program, Power Up Your Retirement, provides a high-quality video training series, group coaching, and an on-line community focused on helping women transition into a successful retirement. I would be thrilled to welcome you to my community.

Register today! 👇🏽

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