Loss of identity in retirement


Looking ahead to retirement can be a wonderful and exciting thing! The beginning of a new chapter!

But if your social status or power position has always come from your work, retirement may feel like a huge loss of identity and life-structure...

If this resonates with how you’re feeling, here’s a couple of tips for you!

💙 Acknowledge there will be loss and expect to go through stages of grief. This is the best thing you can do to prepare. Talk it through with a friend or write down all the ways you found personal fulfilment and a sense of achievement through your work. Celebrate this!

💙 Brainstorm ways you can continue to feel a sense of fulfilment. Perhaps it will take on a new role through new opportunities. You have the chance to develop deeper friendships, volunteer for an organization you are passionate about, or get a part-time job doing something you love.

The important thing is to express yourself without shame. Your feelings are valid and what you are going through is real. Structure your days, and set small goals. You’ve got this! 💃

For more resources on getting equipped for the retirement of your dreams, check out my Power UP Your Retirement Lifestyle Program. 💕 👇


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