
Focusing on others


Shifting the focus off of ourselves and onto others can be really gratifying. Thinking about how we can support those around us, be it our loved ones or those within our community can be liberating as well.

We sometimes default to becoming the centre of our own universe - wrapped up in our own troubles. When we become involved with others, we become part of something that is greater than our individual self.

What are some ways you can step outside of yourself this week and offer a meaningful connection to others who may need it?

Social distancing requires creativity for this task. Drop your ideas in the comments!

An accountability buddy can help you fulfill your dreams

An accountability buddy can help you fulfill your dreams

Accountability. It can be a scary word.

What if you had a community around you who made it less scary? We all want to achieve the reality we know is right for us. Maybe it’s living in a home that doesn’t cause as much stress. Maybe it’s moving to live closer to children or grandchildren. Maybe it’s simple: you want to be kinder to yourself.

As social creatures, we have an extraordinary opportunity to surround ourselves with people who support us. And what if you asked those people to go one step further in that support? Maybe, just maybe, you could ask others to hold you accountable in fulfilling your dreams.

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