Why we struggle with the transition into a post-career life


Your retirement years should give you the best opportunities to rekindle old passions and discover new ones. However, research has shown that almost half of the people entering into retirement struggle with transitioning into a post-career life.

Why is this!?

👉 Retirement is more than just finances
Although many pre-retirees are concerned about their finances, money isn't the only thing on their minds. The impact of the non-financial issues like emotional, psychological and social factors plays a big role in your successful retirement.
👉 Retirement is commonly an emotional time

Whether it’s missing the ‘comfort’ of a schedule, losing your identity or a sense of purpose, it’s common for people adjusting to retirement to experience a range of worries and fears.

What’s the solution? Plan ahead and manage your transition well. If you’re not sure where to start, sign up for my Power Up Your Retirement course! You’ll generate insights, gain clarity and create a game plan to discover your best path to a fulfilling retirement. Register now > https://www.powerupyourretirement.com/

What's your dream?


Remember when you made wishes as a kid?! Imagine one wish could be granted to you for retirement. What would you wish for?

Perhaps you wish to deepen certain friendships, discover a new passion, spend more time with those you love, or travel to places you’ve never seen before. Perhaps you are opening yourself to personal growth at a depth you’ve never had the chance to dive into before.

Whatever your wish, know that you have what it takes and every step you take in the direction of your dreams gets you one step closer to realization.

What’s your dream? Leave it in the comments! 💙

5 Tips to Be Prepared for Retirement

Do you desire joy and a sense of purpose? Then the best thing you can do is prepare for the emotional and psychological impacts of your post-career life! Preparing for a purpose-filled retirement is not all about the money. 💸

Here are 5 tips for making your transition a smooth one:

✅ Start thinking about your retirement 1-5 years in advance.
If you’re going to be making big lifestyle changes like moving or travelling, your key to success is thinking it through well in advance.

The Lifelong Learning Plan allows RRSP withdrawals


In light of the pandemic, has it given you time to pause and reflect about your career? Do you want to make a change in your career? Do you want to do something else?

The Lifelong Learning Plan (LLP) allows you to withdraw amounts from your registered retirement savings plan (RRSPs) to finance full-time training or education for you or your partner.

Speak to your Certified Financial Planner to find out if this is right for you.

Find out all about it here: www.canada.ca/…/rrsps-related-p…/lifelong-learning-plan.html

Have you considered semi-retirement?


What’s often called a “bridge-job” is a part-time job that bridges the transition between a full-time career and retirement.

Having a bridge-job or being semi-retired can be a great way to ease into the transition of retirement, both emotionally and financially.

Would you consider working part-time as a transition into retirement? What could you imagine yourself doing? Comment below!

Resilience in times of uncertainty


I think of myself as a pretty resilient person. For me, resiliency is my capacity to cope with life’s curve balls.

Well, with what we are all currently living through, we have been thrown a BIG curve ball. (OK the pitching machine has not been turned off... ⚾️⚾️⚾️️)

So, I am thinking about resilience. How are you managing the challenges, loss, and disappointments during these very trying times?

I thought it would be a great time to revisit an article I wrote last September about tips to help us be more resilient.

Please let me know what you are doing to manage this big curve ball.

Perspective in a time of economic stress

With the outbreak of COVID19 requiring quarantine, we are all acutely aware of the stress this places on our economy.

Perhaps you have been laid-off, or your stream of income is otherwise impacted by closures and other people's lay-offs.

We are all in this together, witnessing an entire system slow nearly to a halt. We don't know, at this point, what the long-term repercussions of this are going to be economically.

COVID-19: Got You Rethinking Retirement?


For some of you, COVID-19 may be giving you a taste of what retirement could be like especially without a plan.

You may be feeling isolated and alone without your social connections, lost without a purpose, bored without activities, and worried about your finances.

Whether you are retiring during the pandemic or after, there are key elements that need to be considered to plan for a smoother transition and a happy retirement.

Join Marielle Gauthier, Executive Coach and Norm Lalonde, Certified Financial Planner as they present the financial and non-financial aspects of planning for your retirement.

For more information and to register: https://www.powerupyourretirement.com/retirement-webinar

10 Steps to Get on The Path to a Happy Retirement

10 Steps to Get on The Path to a Happy Retirement

When it comes to retirement preparation, the first thing that seems to come to mind for people is finances. Of course, the money matters are a critical part of being able to retire and determine when you will retire. After that is established, however, there is so much beyond financial preparation that you can do to ensure a happy retirement. We all know money doesn’t buy happiness, so let’s not stop at financial preparation when it comes to retirement! Your happiness in retirement is worth the effort of truly investing in your future emotional well-being.

How do you get prepared? Here are 10 steps to guide you as you consider, not only what your retirement will look like practically, but how you want to FEEL in your retirement.

Impact of COVID-19 On Your Retirement


Are you a year or two away from retirement and worried about the impact the current pandemic may have on your plans?

Financial stress is real for a lot of people right now, in a lot of different ways. If you are facing the necessity of revising your timeline on retirement plans, how are you coping with this emotionally?

As a Results Certified Coach who specializes in the transition to retirement, I have the tools to support you as you navigate the emotional impact of these changes to your plans. Please reach out by sending me an email at marielle@redworkscoaching.com.

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